Select your 2025-26 District Grants Education Session & Register Today!
Introductory / Overview Education (via ZOOM):
For people new to District Grants or for people who have not previously completed District Grant Education.
Session # 1, Saturday, March 8, 2025, 10 am Session 1 - Zoom registration link
Session # 3, Monday, March 31, 2025, 6 pm Session 3 - Zoom registration link
Session # 5, Wednesday, May 7, 2025, 6 pm Session 5 - Zoom registration link
Refresher Education (via ZOOM):
For people who previously completed district grant education (since 2021) and who have previously participated in District Grant activities.
Session # 2, Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 6 pm Session 2 - Zoom registration link
Session # 4, Saturday, April 12, 2025, 10 am Session 4 - Zoom registration link
The registration process
- Two members of a District 6270 Rotary, Rotaract, or Satellite Club must register for and complete District Grant Education for 2025-26 before the club can begin the district grant application process.
- After registering, a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting will be sent.
The deadline for District Grant application submission for the 2025-26 Rotary Year is June 1, 2025.
The application process and forms have been revised for 2025-26 District Grants.
Scroll down for details and resources.
What are District Grants?
Rotary District Grants fund small-scale, short-term activities that address needs in your community and communities abroad.
Though both are programs of The Rotary Foundation, Rotary District Grants are not the same as Rotary's Global Grants which support large long-term international activities with sustainable, measurable outcomes.
District Grant funds are managed by the District and awarded to Clubs for humanitarian projects that support the Mission of The Rotary Foundation in areas such as health, education, alleviating poverty, or the environment. These projects require Rotary members to be ACTIVELY involved – i.e. boots on the ground, hands-on activity.
Clubs in District 6270 make an impact in their own communities and beyond

For example, during the 2023-2024 Rotary Year (July-June)
- Needs were identified and 25 Humanitarian Projects were planned, executed, and completed.
- Each project supports the mission of the Rotary Foundation.
- 356 Rotarians and Rotaractors contributed a total of 1,758 service hours to complete these projects.
- $74,747 in District Grant money was awarded to support these projects.
Interested in learning more about how your club can get a District Grant? Scroll down to learn more about District Grants and how to contact our District Grant Chair.
Check out these D6270's District Grant Project videos summarizing the work of our fellow Rotarians & Rotaractors.
2023-24 Watch this year's local & international projects that District Global Grants support
- 2022-23 The Rotary Foundation: Rotary District 6270 Turns Grants into Last Change
- 2021-22 Clubs in Rotary District 6270 completed humanitarian service projects
2024-25 District Grant Final Report due May 15, 2025
If your club received a district grant for 2024-25, your 2024-25 district grant process is not completed until you have filed the final report on your club’s 24-25 district grant. Once you have filed the report and notified the District Grant Chair and the report has been reviewed and approved, you will receive the final payment of your remaining grant funds. Then your 24-25 grant is completed and closed. The deadline to submit your final report is May 15, 2025. Earlier reporting will result in earlier reimbursement.
Also remember, you must file your final report online in the Grants module on the Rotary District 6270 website.
Downloading and reviewing this file Reporting & Closing your project may help provide guidance on submitting your final report.
The world has no shortage of problems. To focus Rotary club's efforts, The Rotary Foundation has identified areas where Rotary Members and Clubs can contribute to lasting change.
Make sure your grant idea is eligible before you start your application.
Contacting District 6270's District Grant Chair (below) to review it and offer recommendations will save you time and effort.
1) District Grant Project Idea
Identify a project that supports your community and Rotary's Areas Of Focus.
Have an idea of the impact it will have.
Knowing $3,000 is the maximum amount awarded, it is helpful to have an idea of your project's budget and any community partners that may be involved (contributing skills, expertise, or resources including financial).
2) Annual Training
- Two (2) members from each club applying must complete the annual training.
- Annual training sessions are usually held starting in March for the following Rotary year. Check the District Calendar for dates and watch for email announcements.
- Two types of online group training are offered;
District Grant Education-Intro/Overview: This 2-hour training is for people new to District Grants or for people who have not previously completed District Grant Education.
District Grant Education-Refresher: This 1.5-hour training is for people who previously completed district grant education (since 2021) and who have previously worked on District Grants.
3) Application Submissions
- District Grant Applications are entered online
- The Due Date for application submission is June 1st before the Rotary Year the project activity occurs.
- Applications are due June 1, 2025 for projects occurring in 2025-26.
- Applications are due June 1, 2026 for projects occurring in 2026-27.
- Applications are due June 1, 2027 for projects occurring in 2027-28.
4) Final Report
- Once your application is approved, all reporting is done online.
- Final reports are due May 15th, annually.
- Final Reports are due May 15, 2026 for projects occurring in 2025-26.
- Final Reports are due May 15, 2027 for projects occurring in 2026-27.
- Final Reports are due May 15, 2028 for projects occurring in 2027-28.
- Earlier reporting will result in earlier reimbursement.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact Jeff Reed.
Jeffery Reed
Rotary Year 2025-26 >> Application due June 1, 2025
Rotary Year 2024-25 >> Final Report due May 15, 2025
Past Years: Something from this list may inspire a District Grant project to use in your community
Glossary of Acronyms
- DDF = District Designated Funds
- GG & DG = Grant types (Global and District)
- MOU = Memorandum of Understanding
- NGO’s = Non-Governmental Organizations
- TRF = The Rotary Foundation
- VTT = Vocational Training Team
- WF = Rotary International World Fund
- DRFC = District Rotary Foundation Committee