In the pursuit of polio eradication, a remarkable initiative called the World's Greatest Meal to Help End Polio (WGM) has emerged. This initiative is aiming to raise both funds and awareness. The concept behind WGM is simple yet impactful: people come together to share a meal, raising much-needed resources to combat polio.
The initiative organizes various events, such as dinner parties, food festivals, and community gatherings, where participants actively contribute to the fight against polio. The funds collected are directed towards critical vaccination programs, surveillance efforts, and public awareness campaigns, all geared towards reaching vulnerable children in at-risk regions.
Despite making significant progress in reducing polio cases, challenges persist. If even a single child remains at risk, the threat of polio looms globally. This is why the WGM remains pivotal in achieving the ultimate goal of a polio-free world. You, too, can contribute to this noble cause by organizing or participating in events, making donations, and raising awareness within your communities.
The WGM's impact is demonstrated by District Governor Don Griffing and District PolioPlus Chair Rob Bassett, who showcased how easy it is to hold a WGM event during the annual Rotary picnic at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh fly-in. At the gathering, attendees from across the United States, Barossa Valley (Australia), Vejlefjord (Denmark), and London (England) pledged an incredible $955 towards this cause.
It is worth noting that no amount is too small for a WGM event. A dinner between two Rotary members managed to raise a modest yet impactful $1.58. You can learn more about this initiative and report your event by visiting the World's Greatest Meal to Help End Polio website at You can download a simple form from the district website to record names and pledge amounts. Together, let us create a ripple effect of change and ensure that no child is left vulnerable to this debilitating disease.