The Rotarian published an article in the February 2013 edition about a project started by Lee Breese of the West Allis Rotary Club.  It is this month's Insider article entitled, "Making the Grade."  (p. 71)  


The article describes how Lee began tutoring her granddaughter in pre-algebra via Skype.  Having enjoyed this experience with her granddaughter, she brought it to her West Allis Rotary Club where she found a good deal of support.  The club ended up launching a pilot program last March which involved six students and five Rotarian mentors, ranging from the former mayor to a retired professor to a leader of a local Boy Scout troop.  

The project expanded to two schools for the 2012-13 school year.

Lee commented, "Because this was their thing - it's their (students) technology, not ours - they came into it with a certain degree of confidence."

Congratulations to Lee and the West Allis Rotary Club on their success!