District 6270 Global Grant Scholars Continue to Excel

District 6270 currently has two Global Grant Scholars who continue to excel in the pursuit of their graduate programs of study.
Ciara J. McHugh is in her second year of a Ph.D. research program at the Senator George J Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice at Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Her Global Grant Scholarship award, initially awarded in 2018, has been stretched over two years to assist in funding. Earlier this year she learned that she had earned the “Alan Graham Fund Travel Scholarship” from Queens University to undertake fieldwork in the United States during this academic year. She is exploring how police and communities interact around the world, looking at tensions between minority groups and police forces and how we might rethink relationships between the two. You can follow her studies and adventures at her blog site:  https://ciarajmchugh.weebly.com.
W. Leif Van Grinsven is District 6270’s Global Grant Scholarship recipient for 2019-2020. A native of Franklin, Wisconsin, and graduate of Wisconsin Lutheran H.S., Van Grinsven graduated from Wheaton College this year with a 3.98 cumulative grade-point average in Interdisciplinary Studies. He was a three-time Division III Google Cloud Academic All-American and a four-time all-American in men's track & field, including two times this past season. This summer he engaged in a United Nations internship in the Netherlands. As a Development Studies Masters student at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex in the United Kingdom (the #1 Development Studies program in the world), he has been diving into development, reading hundreds of pages, attending dozens of lectures, and meeting with professors and students who have researched and worked around the world. You can follow his progress and dreams for the future at his blog site:  https://betterworldbetteryou.blog/hello-world. You can even join his email list to be alerted each time he updates his blog.